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Drawing by Sabrina Holliday '24

Dear CHS Community,


As the new Head of School, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the CHS family for a warm and welcoming first year. Your generosity of thought, time, and gifts has had a great impact on me, and reflects what called me to the position over a year ago – the people. 


On behalf of all CHS faculty and staff, I would like to thank everyone named in this report for their time and monetary donations, which enable us to continue living our guiding principles of kindness, Belonging, Pursuit of knowledge, and Perseverance.


I would like to thank Diana Blazar for her steady leadership as interim Head of School as the school community conducted a search for its next permanent leader. The donations noted in this report came, in part, during her residence, and the school is grateful for her commitment. At the same time, I want to thank our faculty and staff for their time commitments and gifts to The CHS Fund. When the internal teams come together, the pursuit of knowledge and the philanthropic essence of our community can radiate far beyond our campus. 


I'm also  appreciative of the financial support and hands-on involvement of the CHS Board and our treasured Family Association. The authenticity of these interpersonal connections is a pivotal stepping stone as we refine and update CHS's legacy. 


Our wider CHS community of alumni, foundations, past families, grandparents, and neighbors - some of whom are reading this letter now - continues to support our school's work, and we owe you a resounding thank you. Annual giving is a collective giving opportunity in which the sum is greater than the individual contributions. Together, our community can continue to have an extraordinary impact on our students, the future of the school, and the cherished years of early education.


Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the value that each family brings to the CHS legacy. Your gifts enable us to build upon the diverse, inclusive learning environment that keeps us globally relevant. As I look to the future, it is my goal to harness this brilliance with academic rigor, social regard, and community growth.


The heart of CHS is expressed through the art and science of learning. Donations help us deepen our commitment to student growth and academic success. Your investment of time and gifts throughout the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years has helped to support the extraordinary programs that define our educational offering. 


To each of you, thank you again for all that you have done and continue to do for CHS.







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